When all else fails…buy Orocan!

We swear! It works!

His short attention span can be exhausting sometimes and his quick little hands are just too fast for us. There are times when we just let him play with whatever his baby hands had grabbed just so he’d stay amused. Cups of different sizes, spoons, plastic plates, bowls, saucers, matrioshka dolls, Tupperware containers, even plastic hangers are not exempt from this curious little one.  He even loves rummaging through my cluttered bag to play with my girlie stuff (uh-oh, says daddy).

Since he loves playing with the bucket anyway, Daddy Creature took him shopping a few weeks ago and bought him his very own Orocan!

An Orocan Utility Pail he can call his own! Cool!

With a water dipper to match!

You’re such a cheapskate sometimes, Hairy Daddy, but I love it!

The poor, innocent Little Creature.  Little did he know that the Hairy Daddy had a darker, more sinister plan in store for him.

Son, says the Hairy Daddy, you are destined for great things: today, the learning walker and the bucket…

…tomorrow, the Super iSweep Floor Cleaner 2.0!

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