
Forty eleven thousand random thoughts, personal ideas, and nonsense…

Oh well.

  …One of my dreams was to have some site where I could sell fashionable and kitschy stuff, and maybe move on to high fashion later on…

And then I was going to be a cool fashion blogger, the one A-list celebs read and go to for fashion advice.

I even wanted to be a travel blogger. Start with some backpacking tips and then move on to be a jet setter.  See the world! And I did, a bit. But…

…here I am writing about forty eleven thousand random thoughts, personal ideas, and nonsense, and then…

…couch potatoing…

… and pregnancy and babies and stuff like that…

…and then trying to balance vanity and motherhood (most of the time, they don’t go together!)

8 thoughts on “Whatsis?

  1. riah_e says:

    Hi Alias M.! I have been following you blog for quite some time and I have been fascinated with your stories and pictures especially on taking care of your little creature. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. I hope this will be a wonderful news for you. To see more about the award and this nomination, please visit my post at
    Congratulations and all the best to you!


  2. sa saliw ng awit says:

    “…and then trying to balance vanity and motherhood (most of the time, they don’t go together!)” – cool, hahaha. hello, Alias M… thanks for the follow. kind regards. 🙂 ~ ate san


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